Church of Burt

“Fabulous! A super stylish sound to listen, watch, laugh, dance and swing to…” - Anna Notherthing (audience church lover).


Live Shows Melbourne

All things Burt Bacharach upended into the present day. Band: Simon Eszeky - guitar, Dan Witton - double bass, Jim Dunlop - drums, Renato Vacirca - percussion & jungle howls

Live at Bar Oussou Melbourne

Live at Bar Oussou Melbourne


Church of Burt for Hire

Weddings Births Parties Funerals

Church of Burt can be a invited to make your event more fun. Interactive family fun, games and Burt Bingo! Give us a call to talk about a site event specific Church of Burt at your wedding, birth, party or funeral. We aim to please.



Melbourne Fringe Festival Audience Installation Show 2019

WHITE POP LAND - where are we? White Australia WAKE UP from your powerful slumber… BigBangStudios Northcote with artist Viv Marlo, dancer Janette Hoe & GOD Jon Perring & the Burts Simon Eszeky, Dan Witton, Jim Dunlop, Renato Vacirca, Lighting: John Powers & Georgia, Sound engineer James Wilkinson.

Photos by Dylan Moksha @dylanbuckee